I was tremendously pleased and flattered that Nerds of a Feather recently put me on their longlist to consider nominating for the Hugo Award for Best Fan Writer. The other nine people on that list are Anna (forestofglory at Lady Business), Gautam Bhatia (Words for Worlds), Jake Casella Brookins (Ancillary Review of Books), Elias Eells (Bar Cart Bookshelf), Zach Gillan (the Ancillary Review of Books, various others), Jenny Hamilton (Reactor, Reading the End), Archita Mittra (Strange Horizons), Renay (Lady Business), and Alasdair Stuart (The Full Lid). I haven't read essays by all of them, but I'm familiar with many, and this is heady company indeed!
Due to this honor by Nerds of a Feather, I'm writing now about my eligibility as a fan writer for my 2024 works. Almost all of my fan writing takes the form of reviews, mostly book reviews, and most of those appear either here on my blog or at Skiffy and Fanty (https://skiffyandfanty.com/author/trishmatson/). Notable exceptions for 2024 include an essay that I wrote for Issue 82 — "Be the Change" of the Journey Planet online fanzine, "Changes Needed for the Hugo Awards Process"; a poem that also appeared in that issue, which I originally wrote for this blog, "A Vanilla Villain's Variant Villanelle" (about Dave McCarty and the 2023 Hugo Awards fiasco); a Skiffy and Fanty interview of Natania Barron focusing on Netherford Hall; and a long composite interview I posted here, with Double-Edged Sword & Sorcery editor Oliver Brackenbury and the two authors whose novellas comprised DESS, Bryn Hammond and Daniel Quiogue.
Some of the audio/video/gaming updates I wrote last year included mini-reviews, and I also participated in a Skiffy and Fanty contributors' roundup of favorite things from 2024. But as for dedicated reviews, I wrote 26 for Skiffy and Fanty and four for my blog in 2024. Here are some of my favorites:
RPG review: Jason Thompson's Dreamland RPG
Book (collection) review: Resurrections, by Ada Hoffman
Book review: Sun of Blood and Ruin, by Mariely Lares
Books(s) review: Liberty's Daughter and Thoughts on Worker Bees
Book review: The Jaguar Mask, by Michael J. DeLuca
Book review: Cahokia Jazz, by Francis Spufford