People clapped when the Lucasfilm logo signaled that the trailers were over and Star Wars: The Force Awakens had begun. People (including me) cheered when the yellow Star Wars logo popped up against the starfield, concurrent with John Williams' triumphal theme.
At the end of the movie, there were just a few scattered claps (not including any from me).
There was a lot that I loved about this movie, and nothing I hated. But I did have some problems with it.
Starting with the positive, everything felt real and solid. I expected nothing less than a seamless blend of real special effects and CGI, and I got it. Also, BB-8 was indeed cute.
I loved the multiracial cast. I loved that women had strong, active roles.
I loved the fanservice, up to a point. There were many callbacks to the first six movies, from the opening crawl to other things that I'll start mentioning after the spoiler warning.