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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

More D&D on Twitch

As I mentioned before, I've become a fairly active member of ArvanEleron's community on Twitch. About a month ago, one of the moderators, ShadowedMage, invited me to join the game he runs on Arvan's Twitch channel, Community D&D, and I was happy to accept.

He's running the Dragon of IceSpire Peak, a module, with his own variations thrown in. There are three other players, whose personas are Isil, an Aasimar Warlock; Malak, a Wood Elf Hunter Ranger; and Shakunas, a Drow Elf Assassin Rogue, all aligned Neutral or Chaotic Good. There used to be a fourth player in the campaign, but sadly, he died in real life, of complications of diabetes.

The character I created is Grace of the Refreshing Breeze (please roll the R's if possible), a Tabaxi Bard, CG. I've played in two sessions and am looking forward to more. The sessions are held every two Wednesdays. The next one will be Wednesday, July 29, starting a little after 9 p.m. Eastern. 

They appear first on Twitch, where viewers who are logged in can comment as the game goes on. The interactivity of the chat room, in particular Arvan's friendly and witty community, is what I really enjoy about this venue. Join us, won't you?

But if you want to check it out on a more familiar medium, just watching, without interaction, the episodes eventually migrate to YouTube. Here are the first two sessions where I appear:

UPDATE: The next CD&D session has been postponed, probably to Wednesday, Aug. 5.

NOTE: On Day 10, between 1:18:20 and 1:31:50, my bard, Grace, had an interesting discussion with Isil the Warlock and Malak the Ranger about their different types of magic.

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